For further information: (208) 870-5689     |     [email protected]


Impact on the Treasure Valley

Upon completion, the Caldwell Veterans Memorial Hall was staged to make a profound impact on Treasure Valley veterans and their families through a wide range of services. Every Monday through Friday, a Veterans’ Day Officer is on duty at the Hall to assist Veterans with questions and concerns regarding their benefits. Veterans are extended a weekly invitation to have coffee with a Veterans Service Officer onsite.

In partnership with the Idaho Department of Veteran Services, they assist veterans with disability claims, education benefits, death and burial benefits, VA Home Loans, and Insurance concerns. The Department of Labor is committed to assist Veterans with job training, the preparation of resumes, and with job searches.

Other partnership organizations include: The Boise Rescue Mission with the desire to assist Veterans with indigent services and humanitarian aid. Beyond Yellow Ribbon and the Vet Center provides counseling for PTSD, marriage, deployment and family issues. VETS4Success provides humanitarian aid to Veterans and the DAV also provides transportation shuttles to veterans needing this service.